Motor system monitoring using telemedicine applications in trauma surgery
Project Registration Number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020184
The project aims to develop a comprehensive monitoring technology in post-traumatic rehabilitation care of patients using SMART technologies. Through industrial research and experimental development, new knowledge will be gained leading to the development of a new technology that will enable the development of post-traumatic individual care in the field of telemedicine. The application of the technology will enable effective patient direction in the rehabilitation process without the need for hospitalization.

Automatic Detection and Classification of Microcalcifications in Mammography
Project Registration Number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_321/0024556
The main objective of the project is the implementation of industrial research and experimental development in a consortium consisting of a private entity OR-CZ spol. s r. o. and the University Hospital Brno.
The common result will be the creation of a software solution that will automatically detect and classify microcalcifications in mammary diagnostics. This will lead to a clear increase in research and innovation capacity with intensive use of in-house know-how.
The entire system will operate on the basic principles of artificial intelligence and neural networks (Artificial Intelligence). A separate module will be created and integrated into the MARIE PACS system via an API interface.

Development of the information system
Project Number: CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/15_005/0003944
The subject of the project is the development of a new generation of sub-modules of the ERP class information system, OR-SYSTEM Open. This new generation of IS will be based on modern technology with the possibility of effective communication with cooperating systems based on standard interfaces, as well as with the possibility of a web client. The modern technologies on which the IS will be developed are based on an object-oriented architecture, which among other advantages allows the use of open source modules.